Even After Death - Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179


Was her speculation wrong?

Olívia shook her head. “Honestly, I don’t know who she is.”

“But you …”


“A few years ago, I suddenly found out that I wasn’t my father’s

biological daughter. I know nothing about my birth parents.

“Then, I met an old lady out of pure coincidence. She told me that I

looked like someone she knew. She was the one who told me about

Ms. Nat.”

“What happened next?” Mason grabbed her hand with an urgent


“Where … Where is Natalie now?”

“That old lady was already very old. She was illiterate and wasn’t

always in her right mind. She wasn’t able to provide much useful


“We found Warlot Street in Seaburg City. The house there had already

been torn down. There was a nursing home in its place.

“The only proof that she was telling the truth was the cherry tree at

the gate. We don’t know where Ms. Nat has gone.”

Olivia sighed. “As you know, those were turbulent times. The warlords

ran rampant.

“A lot of data wasn’t preserved. There also weren’t any registrations.

It’s very hard to find a person.

“I don’t even know where my birth parents are. Since I look like Ms.

Nat, I wondered if we could be related.”

Olivia explained all she knew in a concise manner. Then, she shifted

the subject to Mason.

“I saw the cherry tree when I arrived at the Heath Residence. Very few

families grow cherry trees at home.

“You also felt like the angel food cake I made tasted familiar. Then,

there’s the picture in the tea room. I had to wonder if you knew Ms.


Olivia took the old picture out of her wallet. “Please look at this.”

Mason looked at the picture of an elegant woman sitting under the cherry tree. She had her head raised, looking at the young mant picking cherries above her.

He looked away from the woman with great effort. His gaze fell ont

the date.

He looked at the young man on the tree. A thought formed in his

Could it be…

Noticing that Mason was getting emotional, Olivia quickly said, “Do

get worked up, Mr. Heath. We can talk about it.”

Mason didn’t reply. Instead, he beckoned toward Linus.

Seeing that Mason was so excited that his arms were shaking, Linus

asked, “How can I help, Dad?”

Mason’s lips were quivering. Olivia handed him a glass of water. He calmed down slightly.

He grabbed Linus’ arm. “Linus, get a DNA test done quickly for

Vanessa and me.”

Linus started to feel uneasy.

“Why, Dad?”

